Funny: Airport Mistletoe

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Image for Joke: Airport Mistletoe Hilarious Clothing jokes

This is a funny clothing joke about airport and mistletoe. We hope you have a laugh - and as always, keep smiling.

I hope you enjoy this funny story - and if you do, why not send it to a friend? If the answer is: "Because I want to keep them" - then that's awesome, too. Keep reading Douglas Adams.

Airport Mistletoe

It was the beginning of December. Adam's trip had gone reasonably well, and he was ready to go back. The airport on the other hand had turned a tacky red and green, and loudspeakers blared annoying elevator renditions of cherished Christmas carols.

Being someone who took Christmas very seriously, and being slightly tired, Adam was not in a particularly good mood. Going to check in his luggage which, for some reason, had become one suitcase with entirely new clothes, he saw hanging mistletoe. Not real mistletoe, but very cheap plastic with red paint on some of the rounder parts and green paint on some of the flatter and "pointier" parts, that could be taken for mistletoe only in a very Picasso sort of way.

With a considerable degree of irritation and nowhere else to vent it, Adam said to the lady attendant, "Even if I were not married, I would not want to kiss you under such a ghastly mockery of mistletoe."

"Sir, look more closely at where the mistletoe is." pause "OK, I see that it's above the luggage scale, which is the place you'd have to step forward for a kiss."

"That's not why it's there," the lady replied.

"Ok, I give up. Why is it there?" Adam finally said, admitting defeat.

"It's there so you can kiss your luggage goodbye."

These jokes are all in the public domain. Please Respect Copyright Laws.

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