What In Tarnation Is That? and other funny stories

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Image for Joke: What In Tarnation Is That? The funniest father jokes

This is a funny father joke about tarnation and stories. We hope you have a laugh - and as always, keep smiling.

I hope you enjoy this funny story - and if you do, why not send it to a friend? If the answer is: "Because I want to keep them" - then that's awesome, too. Keep reading Douglas Adams.

What In Tarnation Is That?

A young man who left his home in Texas at an early age, finally purchased his own ranch in Oklahoma. He invited his father out for a visit, and took him on a tour of the property.

Driving along in the son's pickup truck, a jack rabbit hopped onto the road in front of them. The son stopped the truck to let the rabbit pass, and the father queried,

"What in tarnation is that?"

The son incredulously replied, "That's a jackrabbit, Dad, what did you think it was?"

The father shrugged and said, "We grow em a lot bigger'n back home in Texas."

So they went on and a little farther on they came to a few buffalo roaming the range. The son stopped the truck and the father again said in a puzzled tone "What are those?"

The son hesitantly said, "Those are buffalo, Dad. You gotta be kiddin me. You really don't recognize them?"

The father replied, "Well, I guess they're kinda familiar it's just that we grow em so much bigger back in Texas."

The son, a bit disgruntled, drove on in silence. At length they approached a low part in the road with marshy wetlands on either side. A large snapping turtle lumbered onto the road. The father peered intently at the creature and said "Now what on earth is that thing?"

Without missing a beat, the son replied, "Wood tick"...

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