Funny story about Top Ten Reasons Denise Crosby (Lt. Yar) Should Never Have Left Star Trek: The Next Generation

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Image for Joke: Top Ten Reasons Denise Crosby (Lt. Yar) Should Never Have Left Star Trek: The Next Generation Funny movies jokes

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Top Ten Reasons Denise Crosby (Lt. Yar) Should Never Have Left Star Trek: The Next Generation

  1. It would have been cooler if Yar had been killed by the Borg than some stupid blob.
  2. Maybe Yar would have put Wesley in his place: just outside the hull.
  3. More... um... scenes with Data?
  4. Possible voice-over jobs for commercials (hey, all the other cast members did it).
  5. Possible voice-over jobs for Gargoyles cartoon (see 7).
  6. Yar would have punched Q long before Sisko ever heard of him.
  7. Seven seasons and at least two movies sort of a no-brainer if you ask me.
  8. Yar would have whipped Ensign Ro's butt for betrayal!
  9. Forget dilithium, Yar's temper could have powered the Enterprise.
  10. Two words: Pet Semetary.

TNG would have been better with Yar, although perhaps then we wouldn't have seen the growth of Worf.

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