Signs That Childhood Is Over and other funny stories

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Image for Joke: Signs That Childhood Is Over The funniest signs... jokes

This is a funny signs... joke about signs and childhood. We hope you have a laugh - and as always, keep smiling.

I hope you enjoy this funny story - and if you do, why not send it to a friend? If the answer is: "Because I want to keep them" - then that's awesome, too. Keep reading Douglas Adams.

This joke may be considered ADULT and either contains adult themes, bad language, or racially sensitive humour.

Signs That Childhood Is Over

  • Just one peanut butter and jelly sandwich doesn't do it anymore.
  • Driving a car doesn't always sound like fun.
  • The average 10-year-old doesn't have a clue who Bo and Luke Duke are.
  • Being bad is no longer cool.
  • You have friends who have kids.
  • Saturday mornings are for sleeping.
  • You are taller than the slide at the McDonald's playland.
  • Your parents jokes are now funny.
  • You once said, "What-chu talkin 'bout Willis
  • You have owned, and since disowned, Michael Jackson's "Thriller."
  • You would rather wear your dirty clothes again, cuz mom is not there to do your laundry anymore.
  • Naps are good.
  • You once deemed Space Invaders as "The best game ever."
  • When things go wrong, you can't just yell, "Do-over "
  • You actually buy scarves, gloves, and sunscreen.
  • You leave concerts and ballgames early to beat the crowd.
  • You want clothes for Christmas.
  • You don't want a Camaro because of the insurance premiums.
  • You look in the surveillance camera monitor at the convenience store, wonder who that guy is standing at the counter with the bald spot, and then realize it's a shot of you from behind.

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