Merlin The Wizard, or Divorce Councillor funny story

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This is a funny divorce joke about merlin and wizard. We hope you have a laugh - and as always, keep smiling.

I hope you enjoy this funny story - and if you do, why not send it to a friend? If the answer is: "Because I want to keep them" - then that's awesome, too. Keep reading Douglas Adams.

Merlin The Wizard, or Divorce Councillor

A Chap walks up to another chap in a pointed hat and says:

Chap: You're Merlin aren't you?

Merlin: Why's nice to be recognized!

Chap: Bit of a Wizard..I hear?

Merlin: Well Yes.. I've been told I'm skilled

Chap; Do tricks and things..don't ya.. Magical stuff?

Merlin: Magical... yes that's correct

Chap: Turn Kings into Frogs..and that sort of thing..Is that right

Merlin; Well Yes..I suppose I could Turn a King into a Frog!

Chap: Ever Mucked up..Ya know, made a mistake?

Merlin: Well Yes...hasn't everyone?

Chap: Can you reverse a curse?

Merlin: Yes I can... with knowledge of who applied the Curse and the actual words of enchantment, I could do it....Why?

Chap: I'm Cursed

Merlin Really... and how long have you been bewitched?

Chap: Years.....

Merlin: Do you know the words spoken over you to lay this curse?

Chap: Yeah.. can't forget them!

Merlin: What were they?

Chap: something like... Do you take this women to be your lawfully wedded wife

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