Gi Insurance For Airman Jones funny Insurance story

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Image for Joke: GI Insurance For Airman Jones Amusing Insurance jokes

This is a funny insurance joke about gi and insurance. We hope you have a laugh - and as always, keep smiling.

I hope you enjoy this funny story - and if you do, why not send it to a friend? If the answer is: "Because I want to keep them" - then that's awesome, too. Keep reading Douglas Adams.

This joke may be considered ADULT and either contains adult themes, bad language, or racially sensitive humour.

GI Insurance For Airman Jones

Airman Jones was assigned to the induction center, where he advised new recruits about their government benefits, especially their GI insurance. It wasn't long before Captain Smith noticed that Airman Jones had almost a 100 record for insurance sales, which had never happened before.

Rather than ask about this, the Captain stood in the back of the room and listened to Jones's sales pitch. Jones explained the basics of the GI Insurance to the new recruits, and then said,

"If you have GI Insurance and go into battle and are killed, the government has to pay 200,000 to your beneficiaries. If you don't have GI insurance, and you go into battle and get killed, the government only has to pay a maximum of 6000."

"Now," he concluded, "which bunch do you think they are going to send into battle first?"

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