Funny: Top Ten Signs You Are Addicted To The Internet

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Image for Joke: Top Ten Signs You Are Addicted To The Internet Amusing Computers & technical jokes

This is a funny computers & technical joke about and . We hope you have a laugh - and as always, keep smiling.

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Top Ten Signs You Are Addicted To The Internet

  • You kiss your girlfriend's boyfriend's home page.
  • Your bookmark takes 15 minutes to scroll from top to bottom.
  • Your eyeglasses have a web site burned in on them.
  • You find yourself brainstorming for new subjects to search.
  • You refuse to go to a vacation spot with no electricity and no phone lines...
  • ...You finally do take that vacation, but only after buying a cellular-modem and a laptop.
  • You spend half of the plane trip with your laptop on your lap...
  • ...And your child in the overhead compartment.
  • All you daydreaming is preoccupied with getting a faster connection to the net: 28.8... ISDN... cable modem... T1... T3... And even your night dreams are in HTML.
  • You find yourself typing "com" after every period when using a word

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