Funny Wedding joke about The Things Kids Say...are Annoying

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Image for Joke: The Things Kids Say...are Annoying Funny wedding jokes

This is a funny wedding joke about wedding and jokes. We hope you have a laugh - and as always, keep smiling.

I hope you enjoy this funny story - and if you do, why not send it to a friend? If the answer is: "Because I want to keep them" - then that's awesome, too. Keep reading Douglas Adams.

The Things Kids Say...are Annoying

  • A kindergarten teacher asked,
    "What is the shape of the earth?"
    One lil girl spoke up: "According to my Daddy - terrible."
  • Trying to come to the aid of his Father, who was stopped by an officer for speeding, the lil tyke piped up, "Yeah, well, if we were speeding, so were you!"
  • Two kids were trying to figure out what game to play. One said, "Let's play doctor."
    "Good idea." said the other. "You operate, and I'll sue."
  • I guess you can get too health conscious... The wife and I don't have a lot of "junk food" in the house. Upon eating a snack of some munchies or other my Grandson asked what vitamins they had in them. I told him I doubted there were any at all.
    He replied wide-eyed, "You mean these are just for fun?"

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