Funny: Surgeons Bragging About Efficiency

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Image for Joke: Surgeons Bragging About Efficiency The funniest health & the body jokes

This is a funny health & the body joke about surgeons and bragging. We hope you have a laugh - and as always, keep smiling.

I hope you enjoy this funny story - and if you do, why not send it to a friend? If the answer is: "Because I want to keep them" - then that's awesome, too. Keep reading Douglas Adams.

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Surgeons Bragging About Efficiency

After the microsurgeons congress in New York, the leading surgeons sat in a bar and drank some beer. When they got loaded, they began bragging about their greatest triumphs.

The first surgeon, an Australian, told, "We once had a guy that had been squashed in a press in a printing works house last year. The only thing that was left was the left little finger. Our team of surgeons managed to construct a new hand, they built a new arm and a new body, so that when he finally went back to work, he became so efficient that he made five people unemployed."

"That's nothing," said an American surgeon. "We had a worker that got stuck in a nuclear reactor. The only thing that was left was the hair. We made a new head, a new body and new organs, and then we sent him back to the working life. He got so efficient that he made 50 people unemployed."

The Swedish surgeon didn't want to be any worse so he said, "One day, when I was out walking I felt the smell of a fart. I put the fart in a bag and carried it to the hospital, let it out on the table and started working. First we wrapped the fart in an asshole, built a new ass and attached a body to it. Finally, it became a man named Carl Bildt (Swedish prime minister) and he's making a whole fucking country unemployed."

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