Women humor: Life Would Be Easier With A Clone

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Image for Joke: Life Would Be Easier With A Clone Amusing Adult jokes

This is a funny adult joke about women and life. We hope you have a laugh - and as always, keep smiling.

I hope you enjoy this funny story - and if you do, why not send it to a friend? If the answer is: "Because I want to keep them" - then that's awesome, too. Keep reading Douglas Adams.

This joke may be considered ADULT and either contains adult themes, bad language, or racially sensitive humour.

Life Would Be Easier With A Clone

John decided life would be much easier if he had a clone. So he had one made and sent him to work in his place while he stayed home and relaxed.

Soon this backfired when the clone came home and said he'd been fired for making sexual comments to the women in the office.

John decided, he had to get rid of his clone before things got any worse. John took his clone to the top of a tall building and pushed him off. Unfortunately, someone saw John and he was arrested and convicted for making an obscene clone fall.

These jokes are all in the public domain. Please Respect Copyright Laws.

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