Joke about How To Fix Beeping Computer: Remove Heavy Object From Keyboard

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Image for Joke: How To Fix Beeping Computer: Remove Heavy Object From Keyboard Hilarious Computers & technical jokes

This is a funny computers & technical joke about joke and . We hope you have a laugh - and as always, keep smiling.

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How To Fix Beeping Computer: Remove Heavy Object From Keyboard

I was the lead programmer for a company. One day I was walking past the cubicle of another programmer, and there were three other programmers in there, all looking around at his computer case. It was beeping constantly, and they had all tried various things to stop it: disconnecting the keyboard and reconnecting it, hitting escape and ctrl-alt-delete, etc.

I walked in and slid the edge of an open notebook off the number pad's enter key. The beeping stopped. As I walked out, I swear I heard all four of them smack their foreheads and sigh.

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